Isn't it strange, I was thinking to myself how little I have done and how I don't have anything to report as life is really revolving round the hospital and home and then I relised that it isn't strictly true. Mum is holding her own and being very well cared for in Tallaght. jacq and I are aware that nurses make the worst relatives to deal with but the staff have been very kind. She seems to be making steady progress but thoughts of her coming home are a while off yet. We hope and pray that she will see enough progress to make the transition home when the time comes.
I went to see then new Batman movie on Friday night. While I had mixed feelings about the movie - the acting standard of some of the major actors was pretty crap, including Michale Caine, Maggie Gyllenhal and the guy that played Harvey - it was worth sitting through for the sheer stand out quality of Heath Ledgers performance. I was determined not to be influenced by the fact that he had died but the way he played the joker was truly worthy of an Oscar. I had admired his skill in Brokeback Mountain but this really upped the ante. Wow. Such a shame a talented guy was consumed by his own darkness. RIP
The other thing I did this week was attend a criminal court to support someone called to give a character witness. I was struck by the similarities between court and church. Both assume a basic knowledge of the language involved, both have special clothing worn, both have justice at their focus. It was a fascinating opportunity to be a fly on the wall in the workings of the law.
With a bit of luck this week I will read some worthy books, get the parcel of peanut butter chips I posted myself from Canada (note to those in college with me: don't mock it, you will be eating the cookies I make, you know you will!!!!!),try to start my finess regieme, and startr the long awaited house clearance in preparation for next year. That should be enough to keep me out of trouble .........briefly. I have included another photo of Canada- not because I am there still but because I haven't found many people to bore with them yet. These lupins grow wild on the side of the road - everywhere. They are beautiful.