Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Wonderful Gift

So today is sunday, amazing that it sometime comes round so quickly sometimes, especially when when you are preaching! I preached twice and it seemed to go well. I wasn't run out of the church anyway. After the service there was a cup of tea downstairs and a cake decorated in white and green icing in honour of their Irish visitors. They went to the trouble of getting a message put on it in Irish. I only got there when the cake had been half eaten but Jonathan tells me that the message was "Best wishes". As part of the coffee time they presented me with a prayer quilt for Mum and said a prayer of dedication over it before giving it to me to take home. Well as you know I am a real tough nut until they mentioned Mum and then I managed to choke out a thank you and how impressed I had been by the quilt ministry before I became overwhelmed and had to shut up!

It seems that the way has been opened for future parish swaps perhaps over a Summer at some stage. Not just me by the way, if any of my classmates etc are reading this - there are apparently a number of clergy that would be interested in a holiday swap. It's all happening in New Brunswick.

Greg and the family have gone and we said goodbye at the church. I commented that they were very trusting to leave us in their house with 4 days to clear the joint but they have even trusted us with the cat. We spent the rest of the day with the Campions. originally from Enniscorthy and Kilkenny. Fully Irish and no explanations required. They are truly delightful and just what I needed. After a glass of wine and lunch, Mrs Campion said that I must be tired from meeting people all week and tucked me in for a nap. She woke me up about an hour later and I discovered that Jonathan had been given free reign of the TV - which he hadn't had the opportunity to watch for the last 10 days - and they had checked out the TV guide and found the Euro 2008 final was on. How happy was he!? Go Torres............ It was lovely for him to have a chance to chill. Following an extremely relaxing afternoon we had dinner with them and Jennifer their daughter dropped us home.

So tomorrow we head off early in the morning when we are collected for the run to Camp Medley, which sounds like an placename from the Simpsons. We don't really know what awaits us there but we will be there for about 24 hours before being collected again and brought back to St John. Its about 2 hours away inland so its quite a trek but in for a penny etc. This means loyal readers that there is unlikely to be a blog tomorrow night - try to contain the disappointment. Off now to pack the bug spray. X

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