Friday, January 8, 2010

Its a bit cold

Here I am in my office out the back where it is quite warm thanks to the 2 heaters that are currently plugged in. Its all white outside for the nth day and the birds are currently enjoying the lemon cake crumbs that are on the picnic table. I am in the throes of completing my first tax return :-(

It has been an interesting few months, I hope to record some stuff by hand about it but I did smile this morning when I spoke to a couple of county council workmen on my way into the local RC church to have a word with the Parish officer. They were there with their mouths hanging open, and then I realised that I had my collar on and the sight of a woman going into the church did not compute!

My heart goes out to all of those people who suffered flooding in the Autumn, to be hit with the big freeze now, so unfair.

Stay warm people!

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