Sunday, August 3, 2008


Having got your attention, I will just waffle on as per usual. Admit it though, for just a brief moment you thought you had wandered into an alternate universe! :-)

I was watching House MD on my laptop a few minutes ago and I realise that the medical team on it aren't that good because they get the obscure diagnosis wrong at least twice before they hit on the correct one and manage to administer the right treatment. When they are trying out the various life saving medications, they are always an interesting colour and always have to be administered by IV. I think they should be told to hold off until they get to their 3rd diagnosis sorted and then solve the case. While I am on the subject of TV programmes - How come nobody has realised that wherever Jessica Fletcher is, someone will die? I don't actually watch "Murder She Wrote" but you all know what I mean. And another thing - how come the word "MURDER" always sounds more seriously fatal when said in a strong Scottish accent? Try it!!!!!

I was preaching and thaking the service in Kilternan today. The people in Kilternan are really the lovliest people and the most supportive group. The Gospel reading was from Matthew, the feeding of the 5000 (Men, as the women and children weren't counted). I had sought the assistance of 4 members of the congregation last week for this week and they were fab and helped with my sermon today. They were willing to tell the story of how God is palpable in their lives. We heard of everything from the humble runner bean to cosmic dust. Fabulous.

I have been reading a lot of different bits and pieces over the last while. I have just finished the light and fluffy "Book Club" by an Irish author, but previouslyto that I read Judy Picoult's wonderful "Change of Heart" a story about a death row prisioner who sought to donate his heart to the sibling of the child he was guilty of killing. Read it if you can, dark and uncomfortable but well worth the effort. I am also reading Gerald of Wales Medieval description of Ireland and Gene Robinson's autobiography "In the Eye Of The Storm". I still have such a big pile of books I want to read this Summer - there's not wnough hours in the day.

Just for your entertainment I post picture of Abner the Sailor Dog.

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